We started the morning with a three kilometer walk over the trails near our house. Lots of nature to observe right now. We found a memory game for Maya at the Carpentras tourist office which has pictures of all the flora and fauna found in this region some of which we saw along the trail. These pretty little violets are blooming all over the place...some have pale white centers and it is a surprise to see them peeking out from rocky areas.
We crossed over the canal de Carpentras which is used to water fields, gardens and swimming pools all over this part of Provence.
Looking down on the canal was this ancient borie which is a structure hundreds of years old built by sheperds where they could be sheltered from wind and rain and the cold while they kept their sheep.
Along the way, young wild asparagus is popping up...we picked a few and nibbled them as we walked...delicious!!
Here is a statue we saw in the yard of a property along the way. Forsythia is at last in bloom!
After our hike and a quick lunch we took off for the sunny skies of Roussillon! This is a familiar spot for some of you but if it is new join me for some really colorful photos!
This farm house with unique stone walls is on the edge of the road en route.
Roussillon is located in these amazing hills of ochre which can be seen from far away and is really intense the closer one gets. I love all the different layers of color in the hillside...often there is a deep red cliff and right next to it one that is yellow or orange. All this wonderful color just makes me feel cheerful.
Then we strolled up into the village. Most places we closed since it was actually lunchtime...we had lunch early so we could take off. We met some French people who had also come to visit because everyone was sick and tired of the cold, rainy weather over the weekend!
I love all the stripe fabrics in the window of this shop...
We walked up through the archway of the clock tower into the upper part of the village. Join me now for a pictorial visit which for some of you might be a trip down memory lane!!!
Underneath the clock tower there is this open arch...which looks out onto the Luberon valley below...
which looks like this. In the summer most of those fields out there are various shades of purple from the blooming lavender!
This painted doorway is one of JC's favorites...it sits at the end of a sloping, narrow street and is very effective!
An art gallery...I liked the various pinks/oranges here.
The tiny church at the top part of the village...
and a corner decoration right inside the door. The church itself is quite plain and simple on the inside.
These buildings are near the church
And here is a view down from the terraces next to the church...you can see we are on a hilltop for sure!
Down this narrow street is a little terrace...
...with a tree trunk coming out of the wall! I wonder if it was a fig tree...they seem to grow from any possible orifice all around here in Provence.
Along the same terrace we come out to another view down to the cafés of the village...
I loved this door knocker and the sunflower mailbox along the way.
The Roussillonnais want to make sure that you keep the village clean....
Coming down to the clock tower we saw this in a doorway...(shhh, its nap time)...
...and got a peek into the open door to the entry of this apartment...
A final look at the village (we'll be back another sunny day soon).
Then we headed to the conservatoire des ochres...I will write about that next time.
It was a lovely afternoon in the warm colors and air of Roussillon!
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