The water of the Sorgue was just pouring through town where ducks and this lone swan were swimming around waiting for tossed bread crumbs.
Thursday is a smaller market day than Sunday which is packed. we went to the Café de France for warmth.
This is what we ordered...two chocolats chauds and one café au lait!
The café is in a perfect location across from the church which has been spruced up. In warm weather the tables outside are filled.
Thursday, however, the streets were not so filled as in summer time and most shops do not open until 11 am or later but I did get some photos anyway.
These meringues are the speciality of La Parisse...
we were wondering if Gaetan Paris is related to us??!! I love the baguette on the window.
This nice lingerie shop appealed to me because of the long sleeved wool undershirts on the left which I wished I was wearing!! The Mistral wind is really penetrating and goes through most layers of clothing.
Here is a shop selling olive oils and all sorts of herbs and things to help you through the winter...
and this one with candied fruit! Pretty to look at but not really my taste. Too sweet!
Several other shops I thought looked attractive...bakery and pastry
this is a row of lollipops in the window!!!
On the way back to the car I saw this colorful shop. Everything is knitwear in beautiful colors. I plan to go back and shop a bit...looking for something in burnt orange myself.
Back at the studio the almond trees on the property are budding out and we'll see the blossoms soon. They are the first to bloom and the whole countryside will be pink. I can hardly wait!
We went for an afternoon walk in the woods nearby since the wind had stopped blowing. On the way we met this elderly woman and her little dog who do the hike everyday.
Maya followed them and so did we!
We saw some interesting houses and farmhouses along the chemin on the other side of the forest trail:
We gathered some wild thyme for our dinner omelette
Time to draw before dinner...Friday's forecast is for rain!
Maya says that our place here is merveilleuse and that we had a very bizarre adventure in the forest!Hence the title of this post! A la prochaine!